New EVENING 'Let's Talk' Support Group for women survivors of domestic abuse starting at the end of February 2018. Contact Jess at 061 412354 for details.
ADAPT's Training and Development service runs support groups for women survivors of domestic abuse. Support groups offer a safe and confidential space in which you can share your experience of domestic abuse with other women in similar situations. These groups are run by qualified facilitators with experience of working with women survivors of domestic abuse.
"I find you gain strength and security because you know you are not alone, you regain your confidence and loose your feelings of shame".
"I am not afraid anymore and neither are the kids because I am free now and I can do as I like".
"I am allowed to be me, and to be the woman I should have been. The support group gave me the freedom to say what I needed and want to say, without fear or judgement."
"When I look back to where I was when I first came to the group, I can't believe the difference in me. I am still dealing with the effects of the abuse, but I am aware now that I have to look after me."
"Before I came to the support group, I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I felt helpless and desperate. Now I feel stronger that I have support. I have choices to make when I am ready".
Each group usually meets once a week, for two hours, over a period of 10 - 15 weeks. Some groups continue for a longer period depending on the needs and interests of the individuals. Some groups are run in the morning and others in the evening. Childcare support is available, where possible, for the morning groups.
The size of the group can vary, but usually it will be no less than 6 and no more than 12.
For more information or to join a group phone Jess on 061 412354.